Thursday, January 17, 2013

Happy new year 2013!

Well happy New Year everyone!  We had a great New Year doing absolutely nothing!  We enjoyed just being home and relaxing.  It is amazing how quickly the days go by, truly we need to learn to number our days for they are going fast!  Kalispell has been socked in with gray clouds over the last few weeks so we have pondered the thought of migration...those birds really are pretty smart aren't they?  Our family has been busy, sometimes I just have to think really hard as to with, that's what!  Kent has been very busy with work and is exhausted after running all day and I am kept busy with the medical transcription and running after a little guy.  We have taken some time out to go sledding, which always proves to be full of grins and giggles...

Josiah has had lots of fun with his Thomas the Train set that he had gotten for Christmas.  We had a great day just having some family time together, reading about the birth of Jesus, and relaxing...

We also went to a local Assisted Living and sang.  Josiah and did our first duet, "Jesus Loves Me" and he shared some of the scriptures he has memorized a couple other songs.  The elderly ladies really loved him and he seemed to take a liking to the microphone....he loves to talk so we kid that he may take over Rush Limbaugh's job someday....


  1. Nice to see I got a cousin who loves singing! We'll have to do a duet or something next time we get together. :D

    1. Yes, that would be fun- he loves to sing and does a great job already!

    2. Could you video him and you singing with the guitar or something and put it on youtube? I'd love to watch it! :D

  2. so cool that you have a blog now! I will visit {try to} often!! God BLESS. Your little boy is a dream come true! Praises, and lots of love, always.

    1. Thanks Leslie, it always good to hear and see what you are up to in your life and in sewing, you do a great job with your blog! You amaze me with your talent! Blessings and love to you and thanks for stopping in (and commenting too)!
