Sunday, June 15, 2014

A Father's Day Camping trip at Glacier National Park

Happy Father's Day to one of the most loving and dedicated Father's on the planet!
Getting tucked in for sleep in the tent...

It was cold and rainy all weekend, high about 52 degrees...I had four layers on the whole time...

Lake McDonald

Breakfast at Eddy's Restaurant in GNP due to lots of rain!  The blessing and the bummer...
Josiah found a new breakfast partner

My gorilla friend wanted his picture taken, but Josiah did not...

Getting a free ride on the "Red" alias Jammer for the centennial celebration!

The view passengers of DeSmet Boat would've had one-hundred years ago...,

At the Lake McDonald Lodge for lunch because, you guessed it; rain again! 

Josiah holding Luke, barely...😄

Us riding ol' Red back to the visitor center

A beautiful flower, not sure which one it is, but looks like a trillium

Josiah and his new fire truck

The view outside our tent door...
A father/son moment in the big woods

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Spring fun...

This is our "new" domestic short-haired we adopted from the Humane Society...we had to apply and were deemed suitable parents for her; quite the process!  So, she is still hiding under beds and other safe places... Now, shall we name her Mittens, Moxie or Maude (Millie and Maude, how cute...).  Millie is past her expiration date according to the vet; so we're not sure how much longer she'll be with us.  She has a heart murmur...

Free ice cream cones at Sweet Peaks, yum!
Painting with water colors 

Is he the Tin Man or a fire man, guess you'll just have to imagine...

She finally felt comfortable enough to hop on the bed, amazing!  She is still skittish though; it's only been since Wednesday.

A beautiful day-off so to the playground we went...

Our garden complete with beets, green beans, red and white onions, carrots...

Swiss chard, romaine lettuce, arugula, broccoli, eggplant, sweet peas....

Paul's scarlet Hawthorn(pink), white lilacs....
Orange and green sweet peppers, Anaheim chili peppers, cucumbers, parsley, dill, basil...

A view from our side yard...

Bleeding hearts, 

Monday, June 2, 2014

Local carnival fun with friends...

Getting the hang of using the fire hose to knock down a cone. Josiah loves to put out "fires" in the backyard all the time...

The fire truck and the bouncy house were his favorite activities!

Owen and Josiah

Bouncy house fun!

The duck/monkey/lion race....Owen won this one

Meeting a police officer and getting to check out his car!

Josiah is sitting in the driver seat although it's pretty hard to see him. 

Sitting in the back seat now...

Josiah won three cupcakes at the cake walk that he shared

Fun at Michelle's play area after his very first recital...he played "Two black keys". Bears, Bears, 1 2 3". 

This cracked me up when he leaned on a pile of things in the garage to talk to me...