Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Summer life...

Owen and Josiah talking and playing before we went kayaking on the Whitefish River from Whitefish Lake

 Daddy and Josiah on Whitefish River

 At home in the blow-up pool that just wouldn't stay blown up...at least one time we got to enjoy it...

 Marly and Josiah hanging out together...
 Our studious cat Marly, must be a bookworm...if I could've figured how to put glasses on him that would stay; he would've been wearing them.

 Sophia and Josiah swimming in the pool at Sophia and Marina's community pool...
 Family fun night playing CandyLand and having ice cream bars
 A trip to Norm's News for lunch and treats...

 Woodland park family fun night swimming at the pool and park time

 Josiah picked some daisies from the back garden to do an experiment with food coloring...
 Flathead cherries...yummy!
 The amazing balancing act of Mr. Marly
 Biking around town is how we travel in the summer whenever we can....

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