Saturday, June 7, 2014

Spring fun...

This is our "new" domestic short-haired we adopted from the Humane Society...we had to apply and were deemed suitable parents for her; quite the process!  So, she is still hiding under beds and other safe places... Now, shall we name her Mittens, Moxie or Maude (Millie and Maude, how cute...).  Millie is past her expiration date according to the vet; so we're not sure how much longer she'll be with us.  She has a heart murmur...

Free ice cream cones at Sweet Peaks, yum!
Painting with water colors 

Is he the Tin Man or a fire man, guess you'll just have to imagine...

She finally felt comfortable enough to hop on the bed, amazing!  She is still skittish though; it's only been since Wednesday.

A beautiful day-off so to the playground we went...

Our garden complete with beets, green beans, red and white onions, carrots...

Swiss chard, romaine lettuce, arugula, broccoli, eggplant, sweet peas....

Paul's scarlet Hawthorn(pink), white lilacs....
Orange and green sweet peppers, Anaheim chili peppers, cucumbers, parsley, dill, basil...

A view from our side yard...

Bleeding hearts, 

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