Sunday, June 15, 2014

A Father's Day Camping trip at Glacier National Park

Happy Father's Day to one of the most loving and dedicated Father's on the planet!
Getting tucked in for sleep in the tent...

It was cold and rainy all weekend, high about 52 degrees...I had four layers on the whole time...

Lake McDonald

Breakfast at Eddy's Restaurant in GNP due to lots of rain!  The blessing and the bummer...
Josiah found a new breakfast partner

My gorilla friend wanted his picture taken, but Josiah did not...

Getting a free ride on the "Red" alias Jammer for the centennial celebration!

The view passengers of DeSmet Boat would've had one-hundred years ago...,

At the Lake McDonald Lodge for lunch because, you guessed it; rain again! 

Josiah holding Luke, barely...😄

Us riding ol' Red back to the visitor center

A beautiful flower, not sure which one it is, but looks like a trillium

Josiah and his new fire truck

The view outside our tent door...
A father/son moment in the big woods

1 comment:

  1. Happy late Father's Day to Kent!!!
    Looks like you all had a great time even with the rain. We LOVE camping
    and are hoping to do more this summer. When we went earlier this month
    I was thinking next time we would pack warmer stuff for nights because
    it still gets pretty cold.
